Smudgecraft Wiki

These are the standard commands for all players, please note that Rank specific commands will not be listed here. We try to keep commands at a minimum requirement for all players, but those who want to know more can learn the commands. This list is constantly changed and may not always be up to date.

Commands exclusive to staff will not be documented.

Channel Commands

General chat and world functions.


Generates a brief set of rules, please see our Laws page for the full version.


Generates the current MOTD(Message of the Day )


Displays a list of all online players .

/where or /getpos

Shows your current position.

Economy commands

Smudgecraft uses the BOSEonomy market system to introduce a global coin currency, Smudges. The following commands may be used to handle and transfer balance

/money, /bal, /econ

Display your current balance.

/pay [player] [amount]

Sends Smudges to the player specified.

LWC Chest Protection

LWC, also known as Lightweight Chest Protection, allows users to protect the contents of their chests from unwanted visitors. This function not only stops people from entering protected chests but from destroying them as well. The commands to control this feature however are complex.

/lwc create public

Creates a public test that anyone can use however it cannot be destroyed or locked.

/lwc create password [password]]

Creates a password protected chest.

/lwc create private [@][playername] [@][username] etc...

Creates a private chest with the listed users having access to said chest. If an @ symbol is attached to the front of their name this user will be a chest admin and have complete control over the userslists on the chest.

/lwc -c [public/private/password]

A shortened version of the create commmands.

/lwc modify [Property] [adventurername]

Using @name would grant the named user admin access to your chest, - would remove them from the chest, just a name would set them as a normal user to the chest.

/lwc free chest

Remove protection from a chest.

/lwc info or /cinfo

Display information on the selected chest.

/lwc persist

Causes the next LWC command to persist. Using this with a create command for example would allow you to mass-create the same protection on chests.

/lwc free modes

Disables /lwc persist

Faction Commands

These commands are used for Factions. Note that you cannot Create a Faction with commands.

/f help,h,? [page]

Display a help page

/f list,lf [page]

Show a list of all factions

/f show,who [faction tag]

Show detailed information on a certain faction

/f map [on/off]

Show an ascii-art map of the nearby territory. Per default it will render only when you use the command. If you specify on or off you will toggle if the map should render every once in a while.

/f power,pow [player name]

Show either your own power (if no name is specified) or another player’s power.

/f join [faction name]

Join a faction (requires invite).

/f leave

Leave your faction.

/f chat, c

Switch faction only chat on and off.

/f home

Teleport to the faction home.

/f create [faction tag]

Create a new faction with you as admin

/f desc [desc]

Change the faction description.

/f tag [faction tag]

Change the faction tag.

/f open

Switch if invitation is required to join.

/f invite, inv [player name]

Invites a player.

/f deinvite,inv [player name]

Remove a pending invitation
If your faction is closed invitations are required to join the faction.

/f sethome

Set the faction home.

/f claim [radius]

Claim the land where you are standing or in a radius from where you are standing.

/f autoclaim

Start auto-claiming land as you walk around.

/f unclaim, declaim

Unclaim the land where you are standing
The area claimed is a minecraft “chunk”. It is an 16×16 area all the way from bedrock to the sky. If you are claiming territory from another faction you must start at the border. Only faction moderators and admin can do this.

/f owner [player name]

Set/remove ownership of a 16×16 claimed territory. If a player name is specified, that player will be added or removed from the owner list for the territory. If no player name is specified, it will either set ownership to the player running the command (if no owners are currently set) or completely clear ownership of the territory.

/f ownerlist

View a list of owners for the current area. Only works inside your own faction’s territory.

/f kick [player name]

Kick a player from the faction.
Faction moderators can kick normal players but not eachother. The faction admin can kick moderators though.

/f ban [player name]

Bans a player from re-joining your faction.

/f unban [player name]

Removes the ban from a player.

/f mod [player name]

Give or revoke moderator rights to one of the members of the faction. You must be faction admin to do this.

/f admin [player name]

Hand over your admin rights to another member. Note that you are really handing it over. You will not be admin for the faction any longer. You will be turned into a moderator, but the new admin could kick you any time.

/f title [player name] [title]

Set or remove a players title. This serves special meaning. It’s just fun and allows you to “promote” players.

/f ally [faction name]

/f neutral [faction name]

/f enemy [faction name]

Heroes RPG Commands

/hero choose [Path]

Sets path - accepted variables are Mage, Healer, Warrior, Archer, and Thief.

/hero spec [Specialty]

Allows you to move into one of your path's specializations. Requires level 50.

/hero profession Crafter

Sets your profession path. Currently this is the only starting option.

/hero profession [Specialty]

Choose your preofession specialty after you have mastered Handyman. Requires Handyman level 50.

/hero reset

Allows you to completely start over if you feel you choose the wrong path. WARNING: This will remove all experience and specializations gained. Use wisely.

/skills [Page#]

Displays the skills available in your current Path/Specialization.

/level, /hero level, /lvl

Displays current heroes information. Class, level, experience , mana , etc.

/bind [SkillName]

Binds a skill to the block type you are holding - e.g. /bind Fireball. /bind with no arguments will remove the bind from your currently held item.
Available skills that can be bound are found in /skill

/hero verbose

Enables/disables system notifications for experience /level gain.

/hero armor

Displays the current allowed armor types for your Path.

/hero tools

Displays the current allowed tools/weapons for your Path.


Shows a graphical representation of your mana bar, used for casting spells.

Heroes Chat Functions

/party create

Forms a party.

/party invite [player]

Invites a player to your party.

/party accept [player]

Accepts invitation.

/party [Message]

Sends a message to your party.

/party who

Lists players in your party.


Lists all players online with their class and level