Smudgecraft Wiki

The EITC, or the East India Trading Company was once the leading power in an arid land called India. However, an uprising caused a disturbance in the power, and The Royal British Military had to take command to maintain control over India. Soon after being relieved of power, The members of the EITC boarded their ships and set sail for home. However, during the voyage, a violent storm caused some of the ships to sail off course and were thought to be lost. Those ships were at sea for roughly 2 years, searching for home. The crew was very brave, but being at sea for 2 years can take a toll on any man. Just as the crew was on the brink of mutiny, A member caught sight of land. The land he saw... was Melanodor.

After [who knows how long] of surviving in Melanodor, the few remaining members found a thriving kingdom. The nobles there thought they were hostile intruders, and threw them into the prison. Most of the members were killed or tortured to death after not relenquishing the location of their home, information long forgotten. However, there was a lone survivor. This brave man was different from the others, for he was a high-ranking specially trained member of the EITC. He was trained in the ways of the Assassin, to use the shadows to his davantage, to fight dirty to win at any cost to him. Using these techniques, he managed to escape the Imprisonement of the nobles. It seemed the Gods themselves approved of this man.

After running through the wilderness for days, in the midst of a desert, he spotted someone. As it turned out, it was a pair of people in a similar situation. They took him in, and gave him food and shelter. He learned the ways of the land, basic building techniques, and how to hunt for food. After a while, he said goodbye, and set off once again.

After everal days more of walking, he settled down. He began to build a fortress. A fortress strong enough to withstand even the mightiest of the nobles' attacks. He thrived. But he was alone.

Eventually, more and more people wandered to his fortress in seek of shelter and food, as he once had. He took them in and cared for them, and made them strong. He was to raise an army. This takes us to current times.

If you wish to learn more, visit our thread on the forums (look for EITC in factions).
